A letter dated August 5th, 1965
Gentlemen -
To write a letter does not come easily to me. I have never written to my Congressman, the newspaper people’s column, or even to protest the playing of Beatle’s records...as much as I wanted to.
My little story is this. All my life I wanted a nice sounding set, - sort of a AM-FM, record player. Something always came up that sent the money in another direction.
Our 14 yrs old TC set finally gave out, and we went shopping fo a new one. While in the music store, this glorious music was playing from a set and, I was hooked. My wife told me to take it and she would manage the payment.
What I really wanted to say was that the man who delivered the set happened to put it at WADV. Now, this is a expensive and good set and has a choice of many other stations - probably good ones too, but we at home cannot bear to change the dial. Your Station has made a new life for me and I can’t put over in words, your wonderful selection of words, your announcers are some of the best on the air.
My heartfelt congratulations to the best radio station on the air in the Buffalo area,
Eugene ----
Oh yes! We also bought a new T.V. - I must see what it looks like sometime.